
Short course description (intra- and extramural studies, 1st cycle of higher education)

Course objectives:
Get acquainted of students with elementary informations from mineralogy and ore geology during: recognition and description of orey and rockgenic minerals, recognition and documentation of deposits, maps construction and estimation of deposits resources.

Teaching modes and syllabus description:

Elementary notions of mineralogy. Selected elements of crystallography and crystal chemistry. Genetic and chemical division of minerals. Clarke. Physical properties of minerals. Forming of minerals magmatic, hypergeneic and metamorphic processes. Geochemical basis of deposits forming. Mineralogical characteristics of deposits. Elements of rock petrography. Tasks of ore geology. Elementary notions and definitions. Natural characteristics of deposits. Technical-economic elements of deposits assessment. Geochemical basis of deposits forming. Geological conditions of deposits occurrence. Form and structure of deposits. Mineralogical characteristics of deposits. Physical properties of minerals. Genesis of deposits. Forms processes a deposits. Methods of precipitation and concentration of mineral matter. Methods of deposits examinations. Classifications of deposits. Deposit recognition. Geophysical and geochemical methods in deposit recognition. Mining maps. Geological and geophysical logging of drill-holes. Underground drilling works. Interpretation and documentation of drillings. Methods of geological charting of underground headings. Sampling of drill-holes, headings and output. Planning of sampling. Estimation and classification of resources. Accuracy of resources estimation.

Construction of polarization microscope for studies in transmissed and reflected light. Method of study of microscopic features of minerals. Macro- and microscopic identification of orey and rockgenic minerals.

Characteristics of lignites and hard coals. Construction of maps of hard coal quality parameters. Determination of occurrence areas of hard coal types according to Polish Standard PN-82/G-97002. Determination of occurrence areas of power and coking hard coal. Calculation of hard coal resources.


Primary sources:
Chodyniecka L., Gabzdyl W., Kapuściński T., 1993: Mineralogy and petrography fror miners. Silesian Technical Publishers, Katowice. (in Polish)
Chodyniecka L., Kapuściński T., 2001: Elementary methods of minerals and rocks recognition. Publishers of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice. (in Polish)
Adamczyk Z., Nowak J., 1999: Rockgenic minerals in thin plates. Publishers of Computer Laboratory, Gliwice. (in Polish)
Chodyniecka L., Gabzdyl W., Kapuściński T., 1993: Mineralogy and petrography. Publishers of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice. (in Polish)
Gruszczyk H., 1984: Science of ores. 2dn edition. Geological Publishers, Warsaw. (in Polish)
Probierz K., Marcisz M., Sobolewski A., 2012: From peat to coking coals of Zofiówka Monocline in Jastrzębie area (SW part of Upper Silesian Coal Basin). Publishers of Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze. (in Polish)
Nieć M., 1982: Mining geology. Geological Publishers, Warsaw. (in Polish)
Duźniak S., Gabzdyl W., 1991: Geological-mining recognition of deposits in w hard coal mines. Publishers of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice. (in Polish)

Secondary sources:
Borkowska M., Smulikowski K., 1972: Rockgenic minerals. Geological Publishers, Warsaw. (in Polish)
Bolewski A., 1982: Detailed mineralogy. Geological Publishers, Warsaw. (in Polish)
Handke M., 2005: Crystal chemistry of silicates. Publishers of AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow. (in Polish)
Manecki A., 2004: Encyclopedia of minerals with Polish and English dictionary of names. Minerals of Earth and cosmic matter. Publishers of AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow. (in Polish)
Smirnov V. I., 1986: Geologia złóż kopalin użytecznych. Wyd. Geologiczne, Warszawa.
Gabzdyl W., 1999: Ore geology. Publishers of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice. (in Polish)
Gabzdyl W., 1994: Geology of hard coal deposits. Resources of the World. Polish Ecological Agency, Warsaw. (in Polish)
Darski J., Kicki J., Sobczyk E. J., 2001: Report of management state of resources of hard coal deposits. Studies, Thesis, Monographs no. 85, Publishers of Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow. (in Polish)